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A Journal of University-Industry-Government Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Table 3 Integrated dimensions for understanding organizational characteristics of university technology transfer organizations

From: Towards a typology of university technology transfer organizations in China: evidences from Tsinghua University





1. Degree of discipline specialization

Discipline integrated

Many disciplinary fields.

Discipline specialized

Certain disciplinary areas.

2. Degree of task specialization

Fully integrated

It refers to university-industry technology transfer at various stages and aspects: new product development, technology consultation, IP management on the university level, and services supporting entrepreneurial activities.

Backward integrated

It engaged in original product development with funding and IP management but barely supporting real entrepreneurship activities.

Forward integrated

It focuses on supporting creating new firms and the other entrepreneurship practices, together with IP management. 

3. Level of autonomy and centralities


Have limited autonomy in decision-making in rules and budget allocation; obtain funding and staffed from the host university.


Legally independent, while its board members assigned by the university as crucial representatives. Obtain donations from the host university, while its further development dependent on its profitability. The university bears a limited economic liability for its operation.


Legally independent with extensive rights in decision-making in all respects with reporting to upper level. The university only sponsors for its creation, but not supporting or risking for its further operation.

4. Degree of exclusivity


Service for the affiliated university only.


Service for many universities.

5. Professionalization

High level

The staffs have a university degree or higher in engineering or science; work experience in project management, IP management, or business management; or vocational certification in economics, judicial, patent agent, and consultant agent.

Low level

It is mainly staffed with researchers from the university as their part-time job. The rest ones are barely met the above requirements.


No specific professional qualifications required for staffs

6. Standardization

High standardized

Formulated regulations and procedures for university-industry technology transfer.

Low standardized

No well-established regulations; the university-industry technology transfer occurs on case by case.

  1. Sources: Synthesized from Poglajen (2012) and Schoen et al. (2014)